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- JUST THINKIN'In Poetry·June 9, 2023JUST THINKIN’ My new shirt arrived today I hate it! It’s flat-out horrible with those ridiculous white pistachio nuts on a wine background! It doesn’t go with anything except my corduroy vest - the loden green one that’s too frickin’ hot to wear, for Pete’s sake - it’s like 90 degrees outside! but – I got it on sale for six dollars… Lorene Rogers © 6-8-20231212
- Anatomy of a HeartbreakIn PoetryOctober 23, 2022Thank you, Susan, for liking my poem.12
- WHERE LEADS THIS ROAD?In PoetryAugust 3, 2023Sweet!12
- Shameless self-promotion or "No brag, just fact".In Who am I?·July 29, 2022I'm retired so now I have the time, and thanks to my wife's intelligent handling of money, and my intelligence of listening to her, I also have the resources to create. While working, I pursued an avocation in freelance cartooning/illustration. I worked for Petersen Publishing on their "Car-Toons Magazine" title. I worked for Ed"Big Daddy"Roth on his t-shirt designs as well as his "Rat Fink Comix" line of comics. I founded the "Salon of Comic and Cartoon Art" at San Francisco State Uni. and have had my cartoons and comix published in anthologies, and titles around the world. I now paint in oils and watercolors, relief printing (lino, and woodcut). I Still cartoon, and am currently finishing up my graphic novel, "Klaus".126
- ForeplayIn Poetry·September 12, 2022Why save foreplay, For just one special portion Of the dance? Why can't foreplay, Be the dance? Why does it have to end, Or always segue To something else. We both love it!!! Let's spend the night Together, In mutual foreplay, Until collapsing Into each other's arms, And heart. - Donovan Baldwin1210
- First TouchIn Poetry·September 14, 2022First touch, Whenever, Wherever, It happens, My fingertips, Drifting, Oh, so gently, Along curve of cheek, Thrill of warm flesh touched, Real person, Touched... Not just with words, Chin cupped, Fingertip across your lips, Replaced as I, Kiss you, Lips meeting lips. First time. - Donovan Baldwin125
- A Review of Herrick's End by T.M. BlanchetIn Reviews·December 30, 2022This is a great imaginative story of a journey and contest between two totally different and opposing worlds. Particularly, the love and the quest to serve justice to victims of violence or abuse, which is no wonder; reflects the author’s experience with survivors of domestic and sexual violence. There may be some other reasons to capture this story in rather a strange and mystical place such as Herrick’s End, but I strongly feel that; the author is trying to bring us to imagine and see that; there is a secretive, hidden, and unknown world that exists for the victims and survivors of such violence. Ollie Delgato’s journey from the Northern End of Brickside, all the way to the Herrick’s End of the Neath, shows us that; this secretive underworld or mystical place is created based on the constant struggle faced by victims of family-related violence and abuse. This constant struggle is the outcome of our society’s inactions, oppressions, insecurity, threat, or any other similar conditions that prevent justice to be served to those victims. He started off as an innocent, unsuspecting, and loving friend, but eventually grows to become a hero of justice at the end. This may, in other words, shows us that; many victims of family-related violence and abuses get themselves into these troubles innocently and unsuspectingly, because of love. They don’t know what will happen because they are blinded by love and then when their loving world becomes the opposite, they become its victims. A situation that they have created by themselves. But, under such circumstances, under that blind love and our society’s inactions, oppressions, insecurity, or threats; they can fight for justice, for themselves, and their loved ones, if they do something and take action. The settings of the contents of the book through the Prologue keep me wondering with interest how the initial ancient scenes will connect with the modern settings of the story when I started reading the first chapters. But as the story reaches the part on the Freedom Trail, I started getting the idea that; it will be the change of scenes into something mystical or ancient. If similar connections have been developed and established on the book chapters’ titles with specific story topics, rather than just the use of numbers, then I think it will be more engaging and well-connected. Yet, I give it a rating of 5 stars, because it is a great imaginative story that reflects the 2 types of worlds that exist for the victims of one of our society’s major social problems. One is the world that many may seem to portray to the public and the community in which they live under the auspice of normal and loving family life. And another is the world that exists under the banner of blind and unsuspecting love, where there is abuse and violence and where victims are constantly struggling for justice in solitude. A justice to problems, they have somehow created by themselves.126
- The VesselIn Poetry·December 31, 2022fragments of her shattered soul - potter molds anew diamond in the rough no more - tempered by the flames a strengthening of her spirit- the vessel made whole the angel walks on embers - angels feel no pain copyright L. G. Rogers 12-29-221211
- Imagine TeardropsIn Poetry·October 5, 2022Sometimes I imagine teardrops, Small crystals upon your cheeks. I, poet, lover, would have to kiss Each one away, the flavor of Your passion, lingering Upon my lips, Filling me, Forcing me, To cry my tears, In form of loving words, Upon my lips. For you to kiss them too. - Donovan Baldwin124
- Behind Those Silent EyesIn Poetry·September 22, 2022It can be a lonely place This poet's mind, So full of beauty and gaiety, Yet, with only the door Held ajar with a few words, People passing by peek in, And only see stillness, A boring facade, Never imagining all That is passing by Behind those silent eyes. - Donovan Baldwin126
- DifferentIn Poetry·November 2, 2023At time the world Moves around In circles that Confound me Open my eyes To see, I’m different Always heard music And danced to it Knowing nobody understood I don’t care I’m different I think in colors Sing responses Rhyme phrases Move in dance steps I love myself I’m different Every now and then Someone notices My aura catches their eye My song appeals My dance entices Come join me In a perfect world I’d glide without friction Love wholeheartedly Laught always Sing loudly Write freely I can’t wait to find My perfect place Where my special Talents are Cherished and Encouraged Oh wait, it’s here on ArtsKeeper!129
- WORDS UPON A LEAFIn Poetry·November 4, 2023Put your words upon a leaf, Print them with a moonbeam, Set the leaf upon the wind, To be read and repeated As song by birds at sunrise, And, I will listen with Other than my ears, Translating the notes Into "I love you's", Becoming a part of me, Never to be forgotten • Donovan Baldwin122
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