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  • New free online course: ArtsKeeper Volunteering 101

    Volunteers play a crucial role in the success and sustainability of social organizations and this is especially true for ArtsKeeper. We rely on volunteers to create value for the arts community. This new course is designed to explain how ArtsKeeper uses volunteers and to describe the volunteer opportunities we have available, and the value of volunteering for YOU. This course explains everything you ever wanted to know about ArtsKeeper and how we depend upon our volunteers. It's a quick breeze to get through and in the end, there's a short two question survey to get your thoughts about volunteering. You'll find the link to this new course on the main menu labeled Online Classes. Check it out!

  • Meet Glorious Onyemaihisiwu

    Building 3D Animations, Models, Games and Images to Communicate Ideas and Turn Them into Reality Glorious Onyemaihisiwu is a master student of project management at the university of Northampton. She loves to design and she is a fast learner, enthusiastic, goal-oriented, goal getter, achiever and talented in designs. She believes that any and everyone should be given a chance to succeed in their career path or your burning desire to do. She believes that anyone can be great when giving the right opportunity, education, love, and acceptance regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender, denomination, and social status. Glorious Onyemaihisiwu wants to empower the youth, teenagers, adults and even young children through her YouTube channel and social media pages. She wants to encourage people to pursue their dreams irrespective of the time it takes to achieve them. She believes that if she could find her career path in life regardless of the hatred she received from people and people telling her that she will not amount to anything in life then you can also make it in life and find your strong purpose in life. Glorious Onyemaihisiwu believes that everyone has talents, and you just need to discover them. She wants to develop the hidden skills of people through her YouTube page and social media platform. She wants to be recognized and remembered even in her death as someone who made an impact to the people around her and the environment through her craft, donations to people, the love and care she showers people. She is a trustworthy person and believes that you can be who you are supposed to be regardless of your background or upbringing. Glorious Onyemaihisiwu would love to win international awards and open her own company in the future where all her designs will be brought to reality. She wants all her designs to be preserved and referred to in universities, schools, and the world at large. She wants her designs to be brought to communicate ideas so they become reality. Check out her company on the ArtsKeeper Services for Artists page.

  • Call 4 ArtsKeeper Social Media Ambassadors

    Are you ready to be an ArtsKeeper Social Media Ambassador? A social media ambassador is a person who represents a brand, organization, or cause on various social media platforms. The duties of a social media ambassador can vary depending on the specific goals and objectives of the brand or organization they are representing. Here are some common duties and responsibilities: Promoting our ArtsKeeper brand: A social media ambassador is responsible for promoting the brand's products, services, or initiatives on social media platforms. This involves creating engaging content that aligns with the brand's values and resonates with the target audience. Building brand awareness: The ambassador's role is to increase ArtsKeeper's brand visibility and awareness through their social media presence. They accomplish this by sharing content, participating in discussions, and engaging with followers or users who have questions or comments about the brand. ArtsKeeper will provide you with content or you may create your own. Content creation: Social media ambassadors often create original content such as blog posts, videos, images, or infographics to support the brand's marketing efforts. They may also curate relevant content from other sources to share with their followers. Influencing and engaging followers: Social media ambassadors aim to build a loyal and engaged community around the brand. They interact with followers by responding to comments, initiating conversations, and encouraging discussions. They may also collaborate with influencers or other ambassadors to amplify the brand's message. Reporting and analytics: ArtsKeeper will track and analyze the performance of social media activities using various analytics tools. They monitor metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of their efforts and make data-driven decisions. If you'd like to help with reporting and analytics, let us know. Staying up-to-date: Social media ambassadors need to stay informed about the latest trends, news, and developments in the art industry. This helps ArtsKeeper create relevant and timely content, respond to current events, and keep their members informed. Providing feedback: Ambassadors often act as a bridge between the brand and its audience. They provide feedback, suggestions, and insights gathered from their interactions with followers to the brand, helping them improve the ArtsKeeper online presence, products, services, or overall strategy. We hope you want to get involved - that could be as little as 5-10 minutes a couple times each week or more. It's up to you. One way to start is to be a conduit to help reach others. ArtsKeeper will provide you with content through our new Ambassador group. All we ask is that you share it on your other social media channels. If we all do this, we'll see ArtsKeeper become a truly amazing place for artists and lovers of art to gather. Sign up today!

  • GOODREADS BEST POEMS FOR 2022; A collected works by Goodreads new authors.

    As an aspiring author & poet, I am truly grateful to have my work published in Goods Best Poems 2022 as collective work. #poets#poems#artsk

  • Strut Your Stuff

    ArtsKeeper was created to provide YOU with a platform to create art or help creatives perfect their work or get your works published and noticed. ArtsKeeper wants to help you have a successful arts-based business. Having a successful art business involves several key elements. While success can be subjective and dependent on individual goals, here are some important factors and how ArtsKeeper can help. Click each heading to read the dropdown content. Building a successful art business takes time, dedication, perseverance, and a passion for your craft. It's essential to continuously evolve, experiment, and find your unique voice in the art world.

  • ArtsKeeper - Artists Supporting Artists

    ArtsKeeper helps artists via SECI: Services/ Exposure/ Community/ Income Generation. We provide artists with essential services to relieve them of stress and allow them to live their art. ArtsKeeper is a social network for arts and culture. This ArtsKeeper platform gives writers, musicians, filmmakers, artists, and artisans of all kinds with a place to show their work on and use ArtsKeeper to help them promote their art and grow a following. The immediate push of ArtsKeeper is to create the network of artists/artisans, their supporters and consumers. We are building an arts-focused community by providing ready-to-use services so the artists and artisans can focus on what they do best... making our world more beautiful. We provide a disruptive infrastructure that enables the artists to decide how best to get seen and make a living through their art. ArtsKeeper is an advocate for the creators and the "consumers" of the arts. It is our intent to provide free and low-cost benefits to help artists promote their work, build social networks and followings, and earn money. ArtsKeeper also wants to fund promising new projects and help bring ideas to the world to help make it more beautiful and enjoyable. ArtsKeeper is a volunteer run movement. Because we believe in art and want to help artists make more art, we are giving our time and energy to building this Art Community -- for you! Want to know more? Check out About ArtsKeeper. Want to get involved? Let us know ->

  • Why Art is Important?

    I am trying out the latest AI phenom chatGPT by Open AI and I asked it why art is important. Sharing the answer it gave back, which I'm certain nobody can argue is wrong. Art is important for a variety of reasons, both practical and emotional. Here are some of the key reasons why art matters: Self-expression: Art allows individuals to express themselves in ways that are not always possible through language or other means of communication. It can serve as a form of therapy, allowing people to work through emotions and experiences that may be difficult to express otherwise. Cultural preservation: Art reflects the values, beliefs, and experiences of a culture or society, and helps to preserve and pass on those traditions to future generations. Social commentary: Art has often been used as a means of social commentary, allowing artists to comment on political, social, and cultural issues of their time. Aesthetic appreciation: Art is often appreciated for its beauty, and can inspire feelings of awe and wonder in those who view it. Innovation and creativity: Art can push the boundaries of what is possible, and inspire innovation and creativity in other fields. Overall, art is an important part of human culture and has the ability to enrich our lives in a multitude of ways. Next, I asked if there was a graphic representation of itself, and it wrote back... As an AI language model, ChatGPT doesn't have a single representative graphic, but the OpenAI logo is often used to represent the technology that powers ChatGPT. The OpenAI logo features an infinity symbol intertwined with a stylized letter "O" which represents the idea of endless possibilities and the continuous learning and improvement of AI technology.

  • ArtsKeeper Speaks

    Did you know you can listen to any ArtsKeeper blog post in nearly any language? Yes, you can! To listen, just click the PLAY button displayed under the blog title. To translate, select an available language by clicking on the country flag on the top navigation bar. We are working on expanding the languages we have available. If you'd like to help with this effort, which is mostly automated, let us know.

  • "In Praise of Art" - A poem that celebrates the beauty and power of the arts.

    In praise of art, we lift our voices high To celebrate the beauty that it brings A melody that echoes through the sky And stirs within our hearts the sweetest things Oh art, how wondrous are the things you do You capture life and render it sublime Through colors, forms, and sounds that ring so true You breathe new meaning into space and time With every brush stroke, note, or pen in hand You bring to life a world beyond compare Your vision transforms what we understand And shows us all the wonders that are there In praise of art, we honor those who make The works that fill our lives with joy and grace We stand in awe of all that they create And thank them for the beauty of their pace So let us raise our voices high in song And celebrate the artists of our day Their works inspire us, move us, and belong To all the beauty that we see and say In praise of art, we find the very heart Of all that's good and true and pure and right A living legacy that will impart A vision of a world bathed in its light.

  • Melodye Mitchell - Getting Real

    Melodye Mitchell’s passion for artistic expression surfaced late in life after retiring from civil service in the state and federal governments for nearly 50 years. Painting began as a curiosity and blossomed into a full blown passion. She is currently a student at Anne Arundel Community College. She is drawn to still life, portraiture and landscape painting and more recently into cold wax and oil abstract design. Her attention to detail lends itself to creating a realistic style. While she enjoys working in charcoal and pastels, her preferred medium is oil. In 2020 she opened Melodye Mitchell Studio which enables her to infuse art with her former career as a Teacher and Program Manager. She is dedicated to teaching and inspiring others to find their inner self through artistic expression. Examples of Melodye’s work are shown below - see the entire collection at Melodye Mitchell Studios

  • Art, Love and St. Valentine

    Love is a steadfast muse for much of the great art ever produced. Love is also the reason there is so much shlock art made. No matter what, love is the everlasting constant inspiration for artists, so let's celebrate Art, Love and St. Valentine. Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine. Over the years through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world. Art is an expression of the artist. At the heart of every artist is a sincere desire to communicate. The same applies to someone who loves. When an individual expresses his or her appreciation, desire or heart, the world becomes more beautiful. Want to dig more into Love and Art, try going to Google Art and Culture page on Love - Stories, art, and artifacts that make our hearts beat faster.

  • Finance: When does the goal post stop moving?

    Rabat Gupta's story was the true definition of grass to grace. From the town of Kolkata India with almost nothing to his name, he became the CEO of McKinsey, the world's foremost consultant firm. He was handpicked by Bill Gates to be on the advisory board of Bill & Melinda Gates and was the former director of Goldman Sachs and Procter & Gamble. It is fair to say, he was the toast of corporate America. His immense success came with an impressive net worth. By 2008, at a time where many were suffering the effects of the Recession, Rabat was worth an estimated $100 million; a sum that not many can imagine having in their bank account. But Rajat wasn't satisfied, he wanted more. After all, he was friends with the upper echelon of American society, some of them billionaires and he wanted to be a member of the top 1%. So what did he do? He found a new side hustle that made him quick millions and landed him in prison faster than you can say JACK ROBINSON. Although he is now treading the long hard road to redemption, the question is, did any of this have to happen? When is Enough ENOUGH? Merriam Webster defines enough as "degree or quantity that satisfies or that is sufficient or necessary for satisfaction. While it is clear to define "enough" in most areas of our life, our personal finance is an entirely different story. When it comes to how much we have or want in our back account, the answer is never specific and always changing. Now, having ambition and striving for more isn't necessarily a wrong thing. In fact, it is innate in every person to do more and push past their limitations but the problem lies in not determining what personal contentment and success looks like. Financial Contentment Financial contentment means understanding that more material gain cannot bring you happiness. While there are studies showing that money can make you happier, that only happens up to the point where you can stop worrying about necessities, major life setbacks, and what to do in the occurrence of emergencies. During his 7th 'Ask Me Anything' on Reddit, someone asked Bill Gates if he was happy. "I am happy" he said but "it's not my billions that make me happy." In his reply, Gates later explained that having strong relationships and time made him the happiest. This might not be the case for everyone but it is important to remember that money will make you happy but only to the point where you no longer have to worry about necessities, emergencies or any major financial setbacks. Learning Financial Contentment The steps are quite simple but can be difficult to follow: 1. Set realistic goals and work towards them. Write out your goals in a journal based on where you want to see yourself in a month or year from now. Make it realistic based on your current earning capacity and room for growth. 2. Keep friends with the same goals as you. Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Keep a circle of friends that don't judge you and keep you accountable. Note: Don't forget to be that friend to someone too 3. Limit Comparison. It is close to impossible to completely stop comparing yourself to someone but it is possible to reduce it. Stay off social media if it helps and completely dedicate yourself to achieving your goals. Always celebrate others when they reach their milestones while recognizing that you are making progress. 3. Learn Money Management. I used to have a spending problem (still do but it is reduced now) and I realized that my spending was the source of my unhappiness and belief that I do not have enough. But after learning to manage my finances, I realized that I had more than I needed. You can get an app that helps you manage your finances or document your income and expenses in a spreadsheet. This allows you to know exactly where your money is going and what mistakes you are making with spending. Moral: Define what success means to you. This sounds obvious but it is actually the most difficult thing to do. As humans we sometimes measure our achievements subconsciously or not to our friends, family, colleagues, and even people we see on social media (if you use LinkedIn and see the countless number of people posting their achievements, you will understand what I mean). When it seems that we are not moving at the same pace as others, it can make us discouraged or ignore the progress we have made so far along with the failures that continue to shape our actions. Take a look inward and understand what progress and success looks like for you. Are you content as long as you can afford the necessities of life? Do you view success as being able to take care of your family with peace of mind? Or are you determined to climb to the very top of the corporate ladder? Success looks different for everyone and it is only when you determine it that the goal post stops moving. What does Success look like to you? Let's connect in the comments.

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