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  • 21st Century: The Age of Distractions

    This is the 21st century, and there perhaps hasn’t been a better time in history. People live more peaceful lives and they live longer. There are so many good and bad things we can point out as the defining factor for this current generation, but none has been more impactful than technology. It has changed everything. It has changed the cars we drive, how we communicate, and even how we live our day to day lives. Imagine sitting in the sweltering heat without a fan or an air conditioner cooling you off, then maybe you would understand just how much technology has changed our world and ingrained itself into our lives. As someone who does remote work, I am grateful for it. The opportunities it has provided, is beyond anything I could have gotten in my current environment. But with all its benefits, there has been a lot of things that come with it, and the biggest of it has to be the distractions. As a writer, I had to understand the hard way, that the average person on the internet had an average attention span of 8 seconds and you have to plan content with that in mind. But as a consumer of content myself, I only just got to realize what that actually meant; our brains are constantly overstimulated. YouTube videos, YouTube shorts, Instagram reels, Snaps, games – the distractions are endless. Hours can fly by without you ever truly realizing how much time you’ve spent mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms. If it doesn’t grab your attention immediately, you swipe to the next thing because you know that there is something else waiting for you. The worst part is, you might even forget what you were watching the minute you drop your phone. I recently got to Level 8301 on Royal Match, one of my favorite games recently and when I reached the milestone, I was taken aback by just how much time I have dedicated to just that one thing. When I’m reading or working, I find my hand slowly reaching back for my phone fearing that I might have missed something in the 10 minutes that I’ve been offline. I’m immediately taken out of focus by calls or emails and find it hard to get back that level of attention. And a tiny part of me knows that I am not alone. I saw a fascinating quote somewhere that inspired this post (bear with me I don’t recall it perfectly) “The price of what you are doing now is something else that you SHOULD have done.” It resonated with me because while I was scrolling through social media and occasionally binge watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I was leaving assignments and work undone. I was risking a lot, all because I couldn’t bring myself to drop my phone. What’s the solution? Hell if I know! I’m just dealing with it like every other Gen Z out there. But I’ve learnt that a little bit of mindfulness could go a long way. Constantly reminding myself of the cost I’m paying, the hours wasting away, and the possibly impending floodgates of regret has helped me regain a bit of my focus and prioritize what pushes me towards the future I see and the life I want. Let’s talk. How do you deal with distractions these days? Did you ever have a moment when you realized that you needed to make a change?

  • Take Our Survey

    Share your voice! Take our survey and be a part of the conversation in the art community. Your opinion matters! Let's shape the future together. ArtsKeeper is working with Kelvin Iloanya, a master level Integrated Marketing student at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Kelvin is helping us develop a program to attract and keep philanthropists and other sponsors involved with ArtsKeeper. It is our goal to acquire funds to expand the programs and services we can provide to our artist community. Click this link to give us your thoughts: SURVEY #VoiceYourOpinion

  • Hear Tammy Spears talk about her Valentine’s poetry on the “Someone You Should Know” podcast! Tammy's Twitter link Tammy's Instagram link Tammy's LinkedIn link Tammy's Etsy link Tammy's Alignable link Amazon link to purchase "Flutter of an Eye" Etsy link to purchase "Flutter of an Eye" Barnes & Nobel link to purchase "Flutter of an Eye" Walmart link to purchase "Flutter of an Eye" IUniverse link to purchase "Flutter of an Eye"

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  • Palisade Literary Agency

    < Back Palisade Literary Agency Palisade Literary Agency, a division of Palisade Productions LLC., is an upcoming independent boutique literary agency for writers. ​ Donovan Levine is a published writer and solo literary agent based in White Plains, New York. I am the author of the book A Lyrical Soul. ​ Currently seeking submissions for Historical Fiction, YA Fiction, New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Sci-Fi, Illustrated Books, or Non-fiction. I do NOT represent Donovan Levine I’m the founder of Project Palisade, published writer and solo literary agent based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am the author of the book A Lyrical Soul. Currently seeking submissions for Historical Fiction, YA Fiction, New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Sci-Fi, Illustrated Books, or Non-fiction memoir. Check out my wish list. You can find me on the AALA here. Contact Us: ​ Previous Next

  • Team1

    Team Member Name SEO and Analytics Ricky helps assess and analyze our web presence to improve your experience Read More Team Member Name Channel Manager Donna and Jenn are building the ArtsKeeper communities where artists can meet in private and collaborate. Read More Team Member Name Podcast and Event Manager Marlene is helping artists express their desires, give advice, and share their stories to shared and recorded. Read More Team Member Name Founder George has a life-long love of art and wants to see more artists be successful, and make our world beautiful, meaningful and interesting Read More Team Member Name Digital Designer Susan is bringing the ArtsKeeper vision to life. Read More Team Member Name Digital Marketing Manager Devshree is promoting the ArtsKeeper vision and member works of art to reach more people and grow the movement. Read More Team Member Name Producer and Digital Content Manager Kayla has been applying her talent to ensure the site and outreach communications meet the expectations of our members Read More

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