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Is there not a cause?

Is there not a cause?

Is there not a cause is a dynamic collection of poems, stories, scripts, anthems and songs.


This book was written over a span of six years and it is made of pain, love, passion, experiences, lyric, rhythm, faith, imagination and creativity. This collection will take the reader on a roller coaster of emotion and thought.


This book is relevant, relatable and the call for change to be and do better screams loud. Also this book was voted a finalist in the 2021 American Writing Awards Poetry category. If you're a fan of poetry that paints a vivid picture, you will love Is there not a cause.

  • Author Bio

    Nathaniel Terrell is an award winning author, multi published poet & writer and aspiring spoken word artist.


    In April of 2021 he published a collection of poems, anthems, stories, scripts and songs tilted, Is there not a cause, through Atmosphere Press.


    Other of his works have been featured in publications, journals, anthologies and online platforms including Maudlin House, New Plains Review, Oddball Magazine, Artskeeper, Connecting Perspectives, Open Mic Night Poetry Podcast,, The Inside Interviews, U-Hyped Radio, Salmon Creek journal, The Blunt Space and more.

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