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Wait, What?

You know that moment. When you just need to finish that last thought, and something happens, and the frustration just bursts out your mouth!

I am here to tell you, it happens toward those, oh so needy pets too! However, I can't help but think the German Sheppard wins when it's your own name, yelled, then Kelly, which I was mistakenly called but not for the last100 years, so I don't even know where that one came from.

Guess all the laughing doesn't help drive the point home either...

A Jolly Muse~

Thanks for the read~ :)


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Kerry Morgan
Kerry Morgan
Jan 08

Honestly I laughed so hard when I yelled my own name at Ellie- but her look back at me was priceless! Not even- one of the kids- who have all been gone on their own for years!


Susan Smoter
Susan Smoter
Jan 07

Oh, another thought about how our brains work. I took many years of French in school. As an adult, I had the opportunity to take an immersion Spanish class. I found French words coming out when I didn't know the correct Spanish ones. My teacher was not amused. (grin)

Kerry Morgan
Kerry Morgan
Jan 11
Replying to

I use *eyeroll all the time! We need an emoji for it! :)


Susan Smoter
Susan Smoter
Jan 07

My mother always called me by the dog's name!


When that happened with my 3 kids, I just reverted to "Fred", which NONE of them were named and pointed if they were in sight.

Kerry Morgan
Kerry Morgan
Jan 08
Replying to

My dad used Fred too! When I asked who Fred was once and he answered, "MacGillicuddy" ? lol

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