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Benefits of Membership

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

There are generally two types of people who visit and use the ArtsKeeper site. This article explains how these differ and the benefits of becoming a Member.
Contacts. Visitors are automatically added to the ArtsKeeper mailing list when they contact us through our site (e.g., through a contact us form). Aside from getting an occasional outreach, that is the extent of our engagement with them.

Members are people who sign up to be members through the ArtsKeeper Join Form at the top of our homepage. Members have their own profiles in the Members Area and can interact with other members of the community. Members can also take on specific roles in your site, and are assigned badges to highlight their roles (e.g., Blog Writer) or as rewards for involvement (e.g. Quick Starter).

Once you sign up to be a Member, you can access your own Member's Area, which comes with private pages (e.g., My Account, Notifications) that let members view their personal information and provides access to ArtsKeeper exclusive content for members. As a member you can create public or private pages, which are explained below.

The Login Bar at the top center of the ArtsKeeper home page enables members to sign in and log off of the site. As an ArtsKeeper member, you can access all these pages from your Member's Menu which you can customize to your exact needs. Members can also use their Profile to introduce themselves to other members of the ArtsKeeper community. Your Profile page includes the following, which you can personalize:
  • Display name: Members can choose what name, or nickname, they want on their profile. The default is your member's first and last name, but they can change this to anything they're more comfortable with.

  • Display image: If you signed up through Google or Facebook, your default picture is taken directly from that account. You can change this image at any point.

  • About: This section is initially blank, so members can write whatever they want to share. You can include images, videos and GIFs in this description.

When you sign up as a new member, you can select a checkbox to join the ArtsKeeper community which makes their profile visible to others. You can change this at any time from their My Account page. You may also choose to keep your profile private.

  • Private profile: Your details are only visible to you; other members cannot see this information. This is for members who just want to track their own activity on the ArtsKeeper site, which includes orders you place in the online store (when that's available.)

  • Public profile: If you choose to have a public profile, other members can see your information and profile on the Members page, can follow their activity and can send you direct messages. Yes, ArtsKeeper can serve as your messaging tool for connecting with other members. No need to exit ArtsKeeper and use other means.

ArtsKeeper believes it is important to have an arts community where members can support each other’s work, can provide assistance and can collaborate. However, the choice is yours whether to have a public or private profile. You may participate in the community if your profile is private, but nobody will know it’s you. You can also toggle between public and private at will.

ArtsKeeper hopes you become a member and then take advantage of all the special features members get. More special features are being planned, so become a member now!

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