How will your grandchildren remember you?
The positive loving support that comes from close relationships is vital for the optimal development of a child. Grandparents have an extraordinary opportunity to make a ginormous (Isaiah’s word) impact on the lives of their grandchildren.
When purposefully engaging in playful activities with your grandchild, you generate memories that will last a lifetime. Play tickles the funny bone while nurturing physical strength, mental agility, and social skills.
Play is vital not only for the growth and development of a child, but it is enormously beneficial for adults as well. Sharing playful activities with a grandchild will not only nurture them but will energize grandparents as well.
My own experiences with our grandchildren have been created together with my husband Don, who was a middle school teacher and is a lifelong educator. He always jokes that it took him 20 years to get out of middle school. His career path included many roles as an education administrator, which he jokingly describes as going to the “dark” side.
Many of the ideas found in this book including the 8th grade trips and the kids’ woodland paths were generated with his ingenuity. This book certainly would not have been written without his contributions.
The power of play creates memories that will be forever etched in the mind of a child. It tickles the funny bone as it nurtures physical strength, mental agility and social skills. Play is vital not only for the growth and development of your grandchild, but play is enormously beneficial for adults as well. Sharing playful activities with your grandchild will not only nurture them but will energize you.
This book presents a wealth of ideas to bring joy and fun into grand interactions. Grandparents have an extraordinary opportunity to make a significant impact on their grandchildren’s lives and future. New grandparents as well as those who are looking for new ways to enhance their grand relationships will find endless hours of fun within these pages.
The research on the benefits of humor and laughter is clear. We know that laughter can reduce stress and maximize learning. Play is the key ingredient in maximizing learning.
My mission has been to not only promote the benefits of play for children, but to change the prevalent ageism mindset that play is just for kids. Humor and play provide key ingredients for healthy aging. I invite you to join me and share the laughter! When we laugh, our grandkids catch it! Laughter is contagious! Spread it to your grandchildren. I guarantee laughter and play will support their ability to not only survive in their digital world, but to thrive.