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A Life Set Free

A Life Set Free

This is a love story ~ how God took someone who was broken and brought beauty. It is a moving testimony of the liberating power of the love of Jesus to bring healing to broken lives.

  • Author Bio

    I became addicted to writing while writing "A Life Set Free" under a mosquito net in China. Since then I have authored seven books, have had the honour of being an Ambassador with the Department of Eternal Affairs to the ends of the Earth, taught school in Canada and China, I have been a tour manager from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, and have recently designed a digital course called, Broken to Beautiful--Transformed by God's Power, to encourage and help those who have felt broken by life.

  • Reviews

    "This story will encourage readers that nothing is impossible with God when our lives are surrendered to His loving care ~ that He will redeem every tear and sorrow to bring forth a life streaming with beauty, compassion, and abundant fruitfulness. I wasn't able to put this book down." Karen Davis, Haifa, Israel

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