poetry's silk threads
open space between letters
lace i write for her
as a lover's touch
pleasurable sensations
from words penned for her
among tiny petals
soft and waiting for poet's ink
i leave trails of love
breath of a caress
kisses upon her flower
as petals quiver
beneath her apron
desire's bonfires are raging
fanned by poet's words
night when apron falls
she steps naked to her bath
skin aglow with words
back and forth she scrubs
playing in flowing waters
cleansing needs and wants
no matter what else
just always be there for her
even if she never knows
her tidal desires
dashing over passion's reef
carried by their waves
intimate evening
poems of forbidden words
the acts they inspire
lovers performing
rituals of their goddess
upon her altar
fingers wet with dew
unfolding petals one by one
blossom's proud display
stand by her in darkness
helping her conquer her doubts
lighting her heart's way
she writes words for me
i wait in anticipation
for her next daring message
she weeps as she reads
his ragged ancient manuscript
pages of old scars
making love to you
so deep beyond physical
that your mind trembles
deep within your eyes
the dark secrets of midnight
the burning fires of dawn
Donovan Baldwin