by desire exposed
naked to the lash of his words
his soothing kisses
so swiftly supple
i fleetingly can grasp you
with tango touches
meet me in the park
take my hand and walk with me
as fate intended
dining at her altar
proud lover seated at her feet
worshiping his goddess
fingers wet with love's dew
unraveling silken strands
to her lover's taste
sharing hot kisses
and naked revelations
sitting on my lap
word only we know
one that means I've had enough
never yet spoken
since our thoughts first touched
in the words and spaces you
became my poem
i know what you did
yes i've had my past deeds too
that's why we can love
i hear your music
weeping notes that break the heart
real love can't ignore
she came for the words
but not to meet the poet
better things to do
i'm a survivor
most will never know of what
trust me it left scars
Donovan Baldwin