fleeing from shadows
she was cornered not captured
when he stood with her
loves sinful pleasures
how happily he holds her
proud of who she is
the acts she commits
daring and baring herself
living and loving
exposes herself
as much by what she doesn't say
reading his poems
personal moments
spent alone with his poems
as if making love
enraptured by words
beauty cannot see the beast
behind the poem
all the ways she's loved
the places times and people
made her who he loves
lover at her side
body and soul set free
naked to love's winds
eve to her adam
bodies bare in paradise
where pleasure abounds
ecstatic moment
all her wants and needs released
a glorious flood
i will follow her
down her path of ancestors
making them my own
i feel your anger
i understand the reasons
wish to ease your pain
i'm no knight errant
but i can see how tired you are
rest... i have the watch
poet with a gun
present weapon now a pen
qualified with both
she is my helen
reason to attack troy's walls
face gods in battle
tired old eyes have seen
ancient gnarled hands have touched
past loves remembered
these arms are waiting
for you to return to me
from your mind's sadness
normally equals
but when i want to care for you
that's what i will do
since first he knew her
sensed her sensuality
writes for her pleasure
i will never know
for she will never tell me
i matter at all