so quickly hiding
afraid she shown too much
he'd seen her desires
sighing for lost love
though no declaration made
my heart had its dreams
quietly she stood
caught unawares by steady gaze
the hand he offered
slowly their hands touched
as their poetry entwined
their songs became one
words their only way
yet they embraced and kissed
with thoughts and moonlight
how daring she is
what sins she'd commit for love
how much he'd love that
careening 'round corners
high speed on the straightaway
desire's hot pursuit
aphrodite smiles
knowing this mortal poet
has a heart like hers
no need to tell him
he understands the goddess
her burning beauty
his heart already burns
she burst his embers into flame
by understanding him
what a lovely smile
and what naughty thoughts you have
mature and ripened
did i bring a smile
amid your uncertainty
let's do it again
Donovan Baldwin