prepare heart and mind
poetry planted deeply
seeds blossoming
My lips to yours
As you speak my name...
i feel them like butterflies
As they form
The syllables of my name.
Rippling through the seas
Of my desires and wishes
I glimpse a shimmering siren
Golden glow within the waves,
Summoning me to swim
Within love's warm waters
Offering protection of her arms
Assuring me I shall not drown,
But in the pleasures she promises.
Au is golden
in the chart of poetry
woven glowing lace
goddess loved mortal
shared with him her ecstasies
more than flesh could bear
bids me to silence
as she moves about my room
touching my treasures
The poet's often lost in wine,
As he wanders through old memories,
And new fantasies, plucking words,
Weaving them into poetry to
The sound of old guitars,
Or gypsy violins, as she dances,
The one time dream made real,
In the fading glow of a fire,
Fast becoming embers.
what she does not say
may say as much as what's said...
maybe saying more
feverish kisses
till you arched your back and moaned...
your lips spilling love
tongue to taste the love
drops which fell upon her breast
to savor and share