no words are needed
the way your eyes look at me
the way your hands touch
Sure we love the sex
The oohs and aahs,
The moans and sighs,
The sudden explosions
Of ecstasy...
But too...
The quiet moments,
The peaceful breaths,
The calm embrace
Leading us to
Blissful sleep.
And also...
The holding hands,
The public display,
The message and intent
The memories,
Simply being together.
We return to
Some random loving spot,
And trace the wonderful route,
i love to see you
beautiful in ecstasy
peaceful in repose
how sweet her nectar
beautiful blossom overflows
i must catch each drop
she displays no shame
no embarrassment fulfilling
desires he desires
hesitant and shy
yet how strong her own desires
to please her poet
when you do what's done
alone and in privacy
i hope you think of me
dreamed you came to me
so nakedly beautiful
all desires exposed
as i write for you
words the colors of sunset...
make mind and body glow
gracious hills and grottos
sinuous curves of nature...
this woman i see
poet almost moans
his orgasmic bursts of words
so pleasurable
so afraid i'd see
for love she dared to show me
her fire in darkness
revealed herself to him
showing him how he touched her
using all his words
Donovan Baldwin