my muse upon me
i ejaculate poems
till my petit mort
you love another
doesn't mean i can't love you
even if you never know
the boldest lovers
even have their secret fear
they will not be loved
you think i'm not there
yet i'm never far away
watching you with love
poet makes poems
thoughts from her erotic mind
in beautiful words
she's imagining
his hands tracing her body
in intimate ways
her hands following
the path of his in her mind
her body rising
greeting her touches
pleasure from her fingertips
bursting within her
she's loved many times
and she's loved many others
i wish she loved me
fragrance in the air
whispers on a passing breeze
same moon you have seen
universe decreed
we two lost and lonely souls
meet and fall in love
my love for her mind
makes me want the all of her
whole being revealed
a thoughtful woman
romantic intelligence
and seductive mind
sometimes doubts herself
unaware how much he cares
and watches for her
bestowing kisses
her hand tangled in his hair
worshiper kneels
her mind snared me first
rebelliously beautiful
brilliantly sexy
though i can't have her
I've met the love of my life
i can die happy
there's still you and me
as bodies and minds embrace
we're uniquely one
proudly at his side
classy lady tavern wench
as long as she's his
her fingers flickering
wick of her candle burning
bright at their passing
two lovers driven
to a passionate friction
bursting into flames
penetrating thoughts
minds entering each other
with sensual thrusts
images entwined
mutual stimulation
to mental climax
she takes me with thoughts
striking words and images
sets my mind ablaze
weakened i sink
eros saved by his psyche
as she holds my shell
she challenges me
poet's glorious goddess
words on her altar
exhausted i fall
there among my precious words
with which i praise her