though we may be flawed
these flaws and our scars and wounds...
made us who we are
not knots that hold her
but love wrapped all about her
the freedom she feels
write me poetry
that's like making love to me
most intimately
that arousing night
events which shall not be told...
but never forgotten
no one else can see
needs that burn beneath her skin...
our little secret
can't trust anyone
but one old fallen angel
who keeps her secrets
two fallen angels
were cast out of paradise
found their own eden
her poet's desire
he would wish his words immortal
the ones about her
fingertip touches
so gently tracing circles
as she licks her lips
her hand guiding his
or more truly following
the sensitive arcs
watching the rising
the tensing and taut stippling
fingerpainted treats
alone with someone
you're the one that i would choose
to be there for me