How long have I loved you?
Since long before I met you.
How long have I known you?
Since I knew myself.
How long have I sought you?
Since first I did not have you.
how do you know me
by absent touches you feel
when you think of me
i caught you flirting
i thought it was kind of cute
how you smiled at me
Remember yourself for me.
Show the woman I've never seen.
Peel back the pages of
Your dusty memories so I
Can see and meet and hold,
The someone you were before
We met and fell in love, for,
She made you into this woman,
This woman who entranced me,
And made me never want to lose you.
seasonal celebrations
welcomed by that dear sweet girl
who never lost her magic
brooding hephaestus
how came his heart to hold such love
for a joyful goddess
not fully understanding
his mind and hands explore
the beauty of her
my most fervent wish
to love if heart would let me
though you never know
with magic touches
and silent incantations
she summons his moans
trot becomes canter
astride his saddle whips him
to a full gallop
too close to the saints
nearly missed the fallen angel
who taught her new prayers
not a sinful man
sees sins a different way
committing pleasures
She was ready to do battle with the new platoon sergeant. So many men had belittled and put her down despite her record. She heard he was tough, but she could be as tough... or tougher. She was ready as he turned and said, "You're my first squad leader. I've been looking forward to meeting you. You have an excellent record...'
Respect. That's what she heard as she took the proffered hand. Firm but no macho crap.
But, his eyes... his dark brown eyes looked into hers, and for a moment it was squad leader zero, woman... off the charts.
This was going to be interesting.
(Based on a true event.)
"What color are my eyes?" she asked.
"I have no idea," he replied.
"Typical male," she thought.
Without looking up he whispered, "But you have the most beautiful soul that's ever touched mine... and I don't know how to thank the gods for that..."
"Typical you, " she sighed.
she thinks i don't see
center of my secret love
woman becomes words
others would call sin
these secret desires we share
love unrestricted
boldly she reclines
i spread love's ink upon her
sighing she watches