have i ever wept
oh how salty were the tears
that sometimes appeared
done the best i could
and this is where i landed
the edge of nowhere
educate the world
nothing wrong with different
ways of life and love
the world and i met
i saw it didn't like me
nothing much has changed
she's a masterpiece
who's not yet been recognized
something she should know
not her fault she's sad
others used her for themselves
to inflate their egos
shame on those who did
kept her from knowing herself
the wonder she is
despite all the thorns
he keeps tending to the rose
beauty worth the pain
stands proud in the wind
dress molded to her body
leaves him no secrets
sometimes i wonder
when was your last ecstasy
did you think of me
despite my desires
such deep sadness in my soul
love remains but words
Donovan Baldwin