For the Love Of Studio is hosting award-winning science fiction and fantasy author W.D. Kilpack III of West Jordan at two "Meet the Author" nights at the Newgate Mall in Ogden, Utah. The events will be held on will be held on Friday, Nov. 15, 2024, and Friday, Dec. 6, 2024, both from 4-8 p.m.
Kilpack said, "This should be fun! I hope to meet more people who have read my books, as well as make some new friends. I'll also have some new and fun stuff to unveil about Pale Face development for the big screen!"
Kilpack has published six novels to date, four in the epic fantasy New Blood Saga (Crown Prince, Order of Light, Demon Seed, and Rilari), the science-fiction novella, Pale Face, and new release, dystopian military science-fiction epic, Battle Calm. Between them, they have won 24 book awards and honors, including the International Impact Book Award, the International Firebird Book Award, The BookFest Award, Honorable Mention in L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future, Editor's Choice and Top Pick from BooksShelf.com, and runner-up finishes in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category of the Online Book Club's Book of the Year Competition. Pale Face has also recently been optioned for development into a Hollywood movie. Planned for release in November is Vengeance Borne: Book Five of New Blood.
Kilpack said, "I love hearing from my readers! They send me pictures of themselves holding my books, send messages with their comments. I recently had a reader who told me she and her husband are trying for their first child and, if it's a girl, one of the names they're considering is Darshelle, one of the main characters from my New Blood Saga. I can't even describe how impactful that is to me to have my books reach someone that deeply. So I would love to meet more of them in person in Ogden!"
According to Sinister Soup podcast co-founder, Clay Vermulm, Kilpack "is a wonderful man who works extremely hard on his craft. Kilpack delivers a stunning blow to the belief that Indie-Fantasy is worth any less that its salt [with] well-crafted epic[s] with unique plot mechanisms, well-developed and believable characters, and a world grounded in the visceral and the real."
Author and screenwriter Jeff Bailey said that Kilpack "is an active author of novels, TV screenwriter, producer, and partner in a movie production company. I consider him to be one of the new breed of fast rising influencers in the publishing, television, and movie industries."
About Kilpack
Kilpack is an award-winning and critically acclaimed science-fiction and fantasy author, with works appearing in print, online, radio and television. He has been editor and/or publisher of 19 news and literary publications, both online and in print, with circulations as high as 770,000. He received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from Westminster University. As an undergrad, he double-majored in communication and philosophy, while completing the Honors Program. As a graduate student, he earned a master of professional communication with a writing emphasis. He was also a high-performing athlete, qualifying for international competition in Greco-Roman wrestling. For 25 years, he was a communication professor and a nationally recognized wrestling coach. He is an accomplished cook and has cooked nearly every type of food on a grill. He is happily married to his high-school sweetheart and is father to five children, as well as helping to raise five step-children. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he continues to live, consult and educate. For more information go to www.Kilpack.net.
About For the Love of Studios
For the Love Of Studios supports intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being with books, toys, media, training, and merchandise that engage discovery, belonging, and ideals that give us space to discover who we are as individuals and who we can be together. The company focuses on supporting Authors, Artists, Musicians, and creators with a retail platform that maximizes creator profit with an outlet for independent expression. Specialty merchandise helps fans recognize each other on the street and start conversations. Be yourself and belong. For more information go to www.4theLoveofGood.com.