I've been cruising social media. Just curious, and, as always, hoping to pick up an idea for one of my little comments, or, if I'm REALLY lucky, trigger the "poet button" hidden in my brain that I cannot find, and do not know how to activate on purpose.
In the process, I DID come across a range of comments, seemingly unrelated, but, which brought MY thoughts to a common point.
There are people whose purpose, their dream, their driving force is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, protect the defenseless.
Wouldn't want them to change for anything.
There's people whose purpose, their dream, their driving force is to make something beautiful, artistic, aesthetically pleasing, not necessarily "useful" or utilitarian, but, something we humans need or desire... not all at the same time for the same thing, but, in much the same way.
Ditto on the previous response.
There's people whose purpose, their dream, their driving force is to make something... money, fame, invention, items and services utilitarian, or simply wanted by the masses, or by people who really need "it"... whatever it is.
Same, ditto... carry on.
Each of these often looks askance at the others, not understanding THEIR "why", and not understanding that it's the SAME "why"... just pointed in another direction.
We're human because we want to do... not just to be... but to do... something. We're human because we CAN be different and still be human.
Donovan Baldwin
That's ME to a T ... Thanks for posting this!