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Title: Messages from the Embers: From Devastation to Hope

Title: Messages from the Embers: From Devastation to Hope

Messages from the Embers brings together 118 poetic voices and visions into 138 poems that detail and articulate the devastating 2019–2020 bushfire crisis in Australia.


While some writers address the broad political and social scope of the catastrophe, others take a microscope to the localised and domestic effects during a time when the fragility of every structure and living creature was magnified. Beginning with the origins of fire, to the burning to the ashen aftermath, this anthology is courageous in its expression and acknowledgement of the multilayered loss felt by so many.


Within several of these poems is a resilient undercurrent of hopefulness, and a will to emerge from damage and drive a more perceptive way forward.

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  • Author Bio

    Denise O’Hagan is a Sydney-based award-winning editor and poet. She has a background in commercial book publishing in Routledge, Collins and Heinemann (London) and Harcourt Brace, Horwitz Educational and Cambridge University Press (Sydney). In 2015 she set up her own imprint, Black Quill Press, and published the historical novel Jerome & His Women, shortlisted for the inaugural Institute of Professional Editors’ Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award (the ‘Rosie’) (2015). Her other publications include Messages from the Embers (2020), Mini Style Guide (2019), Chinese Whispers: In Search of Ivy (2018) and A Roman Death (2017). Her poetry is published widely both in Australia and overseas. Recipient of the Dalkey Poetry Prize (Ireland), her poetry has also been awarded in Australia, Hong Kong and the States. She was Poetry Editor for Australia/New Zealand for Irish literary journal The Blue Nib until 2020. Her second poetry collection, Anamnesis, is forthcoming (Recent Work Press, October 2022).

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