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La Gran Liga de Bolos de Mongolia de los Estados Unidos de América

La Gran Liga de Bolos de Mongolia de los Estados Unidos de América

Ganador, International Book Awards "Una historia dulce y divertida de un juego de alto riesgo". —Kirkus Reviews“Una versión encantadora de la nueva 'Odd Couple'..." —Carol White, dramaturga y autora de A Divided Duty"


Una primera novela alegre, edificante y excepcionalmente interpretada. Es un testimonio de bondad y amistad y tiene lectores que se enamoran de Harold Kushner, un hombre para todas las estaciones. Siéntate y bebe un poco de calidez, ingenio y sabiduría”. —Ken Eulo, autor de La trilogía Brownstone


La extraña acción se desarrolla en esta hermosa historia cómica que ilustra que, aunque venimos de mundos muy distantes, compartimos una humanidad común. ¿Puede Harold rodar la perfección y vivir para contarlo? El resultado impactará a millones... y te golpea justo en el corazón.


Autor  Ed Borowsky es un estadounidense de segunda generación, que creció en un negocio familiar de muebles. Pasó toda su vida en la industria de muebles para el hogar, lo que dio forma a su perspectiva sobre la familia, los valores y la vida. Emprendedor por naturaleza, es propietario y opera un negocio minorista de muebles, una empresa de liquidación nacional, una agencia de publicidad con sede en Boston, por nombrar solo algunos. Cuando se jubiló a los cincuenta y tres años, comenzó a escribir a tiempo completo. Pensando que tenía un libro sobre su carrera, escribió el primer capítulo de su primer libro, titulado "Es un buen día para liquidar", un drama criminal ambientado en la industria de la liquidación secreta.

  • Reviews

    Winner, International Book Awards"An amusing, sweet tale of a high-stakes game." —Kirkus Reviews“A delightful take on the new ‘Odd Couple’..." —Carol White, Playwright and Author of A Divided Duty"

    A joyous, uplifting, and uniquely rendered first novel. It is a testament to kindness and friendship and has readers falling in love with Harold Kushner, a man for all seasons. Sit back and drink in some warmth, wit, and wisdom.” —Ken Eulo, Author of The Brownstone Trilogy

  • Author Bio

    Ed Borowsky is a second generation American, who grew up in a family run furniture business. He spent a lifetime in the Home Furnishings Industry, which shaped his perspective on family, values and life.

    Entrepreneurial by nature, he’s owned and operated a retail furniture business, a national liquidation firm, a Boston based advertising agency, to name just a few. 

    When he retired at fifty-three, he began writing full time. Thinking he had a book about his career he wrote the first chapter of his first book, titled "It's a Good Day to Liquidate, " a crime drama set in the secret liquidation industry.

     “This is all I had ever written, when I met a woman at the grocery store who told him about a famous published author who took on a few students to teach the writing craft in his home. After sending him that chapter, he brought me under his wing where I would go to his house weekly for over five years to learn and hone the craft. 

    His third book, “The Great Mongolian Bowling League of the United States of America”, the only book he’s published to date won the 2019 International Book Awards.. He’s also write’s a popular column for a weekly newspaper in Orlando, Florida. 

    Ed currently resides in DeLand, Florida with his wife Michele of 35 years. He has three grown sons and a beautiful grandson.

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