Musician and Mother of Stephen Spielberg

Everyone was so pleased when Leah Adler walked to each table greeting each guest like a guest in her home. She expressed an interest in her guests, in what they were doing.
The food was excellent, but it wasn’t for the food that we went to the Milky Way. It wasn’t because it was an excellent place to get a kosher dairy meal. It was to see Leah Adler again, the mother of Stephen Spielberg.
Yes, there was always a vain hope that we might get to meet her famous son, but the character of the place was distinctly her. The music that played was her playing in her younger years. But it showed her talent and her choices. Quiet, so that we could talk while eating. Not a typical place for a business lunch. Others who were eating there were also learning Jewish texts, having a romantic lunch, some regulars just sitting and eating, but everyone was so pleased when Leah Adler walked to each table greeting each guest like a guest in her home. She expressed an interest in her guests, in what they were doing. Yes, it was her place. On the way to the washroom, one saw posters for her children’s films, a sign of a mother luxuriating in the accomplishments of her children.
She was short with white hair reminding me of my mother in her later years. She walked slowly and the last time I saw her, an attendant accompanied her. Always smiling, she sat at our table, and spoke to us. I had given her a copy of one of my son-in-law, Adam Stotland’s CDs the previous time I was there and she remembered and told me that she enjoyed it. Just what I expected, like the friend she was. With all her guests and friends, I will miss her. Condolences to her four children and the entire family. I can imagine how much they too will miss her.
Baruch Dayan Haemet
George Farkas