touches my poems
leaves the imprint of her mind...
i smile that she cares
fluttering inside
her passions wild butterflies...
finding their freedom
find her secret spot
the place where her pain is hidden...
and love it empty
whipped by his poems
smiling she wandered bearing...
the marks his words left
when her veils all fell
and the mask slipped from her heart
he knew he loved her
those other people
if you're happy being you...
why do they matter
first art of love learned
in an older woman's arms...
attitude not skill
fearful she had sinned
asked him for his forgiveness...
he loved her instead
in night's wailing winds
poet's words so hard to hear...
sighs among dark trees
our hearts entwined
sharing even when silent...
poems we both hear
her mind's a poem
her soft eyes and her sweet smile...
beauty beyond words
mumbling his drunken verses...
poet writes his love
far too far to dream
poet must still do this thing...
fall in love and write
entering his words
she only sensed his wildness...
then she touched his meaning
locked in an embrace
with our hearts almost touching...
share breath and heartbeats
Donovan Baldwin