she colors the sky
bright blue and orange and red...
to help me find her
she hides in sunsets
golden blaze at end of day...
showing me the path
through night's silver stars
appearing as blushing dawn...
bathing in dewdrops
behind smiling lips
my demon angel waiting...
to share sins with me
never a beauty
time's stolen youth leaving scars...
yet he too knows love
bodies together
intimately sinuous...
in cursive embrace
fingers exploring
among silken folds and curves...
of precious petals
lips and tongue explore
searching whispers and kisses...
among my lost words
incantation ink
poetry as sorcery...
poet's magic spell
yes a sinful man
measured by rules of others...
a saint by my own
poet looking at stars
hoping she will see them too...
watchers in the night
Donovan Baldwin