poets understand
the look that strips the body
thoughts that bare the mind
wanting me to watch
as i willingly oblige
love in daily form
words we've not spoken
echo softly in the room
very air we breathe
may i write on you
not merely on the topic
but on your body
i found you waiting
around poetry's corner
my muse in hiding
i would watch as
you rise naked with the dawn
that would make you smile
she is butterfly
a real but passing beauty
joy's wings in motion
let's not say subtle
neither even natural
love's delicate truth
i feel like a fool
daring to believe in love
despite past heartbreaks
dreamed of finding her
she of noble lust and love
who could love her poet
set a lover's trap
wrote out my words and waited
for you to enter
intimate embrace
soft and warm in hand cradled
heart marks her treasure
would you smile for me
a private picture i can keep
image for my own