naughty lass is she
hiding sins most secret...
that he has learned of
button by button
naked revelations rise...
begging for kisses
piece by piece the cloth
is slid aside and entered...
by eager loving hands
sighs precede the moans
the quick gasps of her pleasure...
as he bares her soul
no stalker no prey
indeed they circle then engage...
equally eager lovers
Where do I see you?
By waters of a cobalt sea,
At the foot of high hills,
Far off in exotic lands,
Lit by moonlight of dreams,
Where lovers gaze
In affectionate awe,
As I do, gazing upon your face,
Near enough to touch,
Sweet enough to kiss,
Beside me,
Where you belong.
proudly on display
intertwined petals glisten...
her bouquet for him
embraced we dance on
moonlit bed silver figures...
flowing together
first half my payment
i ponder what still remains...
glass half full of wine
i dreamed our words met
and in place of our bodies...
entwined became one
to celestial song
bodies resplendent in moonlight...
silently dancing
nakedly embraced
lost in one another's arms...
each slow step a touch
eyes cannot leave eyes
and mouths must too embrace...
each kiss its own caress
in his hands her secrets
the ones she entrusted to him...
secrets he's proud to hold
poet's model muse
becomes a poem tonight...
posing for his pen
her hand reaches out
love's one last desperate grab...
his fingers caught her hand
Donovan Baldwin