Michael Horse is attached to the Pale Face movie project which award-winning author W.D. Kilpack III is writing, award-winning director Tom Konkle is directing and Safe Harbor Films is producing. Horse will be playing Hosteen Whitehorse, grandfather of the main character, Hector.
President Tony A. Angelo said, “We’re very excited to have Michael join the cast of Pale Face. He doesn’t take just any role. It has to be something that he finds worthwhile.”
Horse said, “This story intrigued me because there’s long history of the Sky People coming down and giving gifts to the indigenous people. But the thing that really got me about this was the relationship between the grandfather and the grandson. There isn’t anybody out there in any culture that can’t relate to an older person trying to hand down some wisdom and cultural history to someone younger, hoping that they don’t make the same mistakes that maybe they did.”
The film is the story of Hector, who was born on a New Mexico reservation but educated in the white-man’s school. He was part of two worlds, but at home in neither. One fateful night, a close encounter changed his life forever. An encounter that nearly cost him his life. Now, he must uncover the truth about his encounter: a journey into the mysterious and the mystical, caught between Earth and another realm, pursued by those who want to silence him. Will he survive to find the truth and his place in the world?
Horse said, “We were all tribal people at one time, there’s no particular wisdom in any particular race, but some have just lost their original instructions. One of the elders told me one time, if you want to learn about a culture, find out what they eat, what they hold holy, and what they find funny. Pale Face gives a look at this.”
For more of Horse's thoughts about the project, https://tinyurl.com/4wsnssay
For more about the Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign, www.SafeHarborFilms.com/crowdfund
About Horse
Horse was born in Los Angeles. He is an actor and writer, known for Twin Peaks, The Legend of the Lone Ranger and North of 60. His most recent work includes Motherland: Fort Salem, The Call of the Wild, Passenger 57, Lakota Woman, House of Cards, and Skinwalker Ranch. Horse's family comes from the Yaqui tribe in Sonora, Mexico, although his indigenous heritage as a combination Yaqui-Mescalero and Apache-Zuni Indian. In addition to acting, he illustrated a children's book, co-written with his wife, Sandra Horse. His jewelry, carvings, paintings and ledger art have been exhibited at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
About Kilpack
Kilpack is an award-winning and critically acclaimed writer with works appearing in print, online, radio and television. He received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from Westminster University. As an undergrad, he double-majored in communication and philosophy, while completing the Honors Program. As a graduate student, he earned a master of professional communication with a writing emphasis. He was also a high-performing athlete, qualifying for international competition in Greco-Roman wrestling. For 25 years, he was a communication professor and a nationally recognized wrestling coach. He is happily married to his high-school sweetheart, and was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he continues to live, consult and educate. For more information go to www.LumenActus.com.
About Safe Harbor Films
The name of the company, Safe Harbor Films, is not just a catchy turn of phrase: it is a mission, a mantra, a way of doing business, a way of life. A primary goal at Safe Harbor Films is not just to produce quality entertainment, but to do it in an atmosphere that is safe and secure to let creativity flourish and people to realize their potential. Whether a veteran of the industry or a rookie, we believe in the power of opportunity and generosity. For more information go to www.SafeHarborFilms.com.
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