I pick up a famous book I really know nothing about. Never read it. I'm smart, went to college, lived long, read lots of books, but, never this one.
Always meant to, but never got around to it.
So, one day, in the bookstore, in the library, I pick it up and read a paragraph or two.
Makes no sense to me. Does NOT capture my imagination. I put it down, move on. Forget about it, until, one day, someone asks me about it. I say I didn't find it interesting.
Someone else starts telling THEIR thoughts and impressions from it.
They HAVE read it. THEY know!
So, I go back, and get the book and read it through.
What a book!!!
If I had only known!
Okay, I see my point.
One day, I meet a guy.
Know nothing about him. Not impressed. Write him off.
Only read one of his paragraphs.
Think I know what he's about.
Donovan Baldwin
But sometimes i like the first few paragraphs and i am wong. Does that happen too frequently?