Hello everyone, my name is Dane McCormack. I was born and raised in Tasmania, Austrails, where I started my career gaining a trade certificate in Precision Manufacture. I then escaped to the mainland to pursue my career, where I did some cool things including converting Chevrolet Corvettes to right hand drive, working in the Boeing factory in Seattle and developing business strategies in the Space Industry.
My love of writing was reawakened recently on the most amazing journey. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. I then spent 12months in hospital where I was given 24 hours to live several times. I lost the toes off my right foot, 20 cm of my bowel, my long and short term memories, my sense of smell, my sense of taste, but not my sense of humour, phew 😅, because laughter really is the best medicine. It’s in remission now and because I survived, I have thrived.

Because I’d lost my long term memories, I set out on a mighty quest to find them and wrote my autobiography. It emphasised just how important history is, so I’m now writing a series of creative nonfiction history articles and books with a personal connection, you can read all about it on my Author page.
I hope you are well and enjoying life