knows he understands
the so-called evil she has done
in loving innocence
writing my poems
pretending i don't desire
that you notice me
i feel your sadness
and offer you sympathy
and understanding
a life of romance
fantasy and adventure
as soldier poet
i know we have loved
other people other times
but we are one now
raindrops and teardrops
running down her naked breasts
expecting kisses
what would bring you back
from dream to reality
to stay forever
together at dawn
remembering the nighttime sighs
naked lovemakimg
you don't need my help
I've got your back anyway
that's the way we do
life and love aren't games
don't think in terms of winning
the people matter
when she's most herself
messed up hair semi-naked
she's the sexiest
she reads all my words
never says a word to me
can't know what she thinks