if you were naked
i would rush to cover you
with my words and hands
once i loved the moon
much more than any other
till you claimed my sky
naked thoughts arouse
much more than naked body
undressing her mind
his words images
lascivious lingerie
revealing her mind
you're letting me watch
sacred ritual you do
rite and incantation
though so sweet and gentle
poems of passion you like
are secrets revealed
good loving woman
maybe if she had the chance
might love a poet
some beautiful things
are the old and the damaged
shaped by their ages
from fluted orchid
love's warm nectar spilling forth
her lover's reward
so desirable
proud of all the joy you spread
all the love you shared
beyond the surface
she feels herself touched deeply
words insubstantial
i'm thinking of you
won't do you much good but i care
wish things were better
you know who you are
i'm not crass or crude,
But, I love you in the nude,
Yet, I love other ways you know
Dressed up like an Eskimo.
Despite my proclivity
To civil incivility,
Preferring your gown to fall,
When I love I love you all,
Be not afraid to bare your skin
Or to hide from toes to chin,
No matter how you dress what you do,
I'm completely mad for you.
into poetry
all this love long trapped inside
nowhere else to go
read like you love me
momentary intimacy
as my words touch you
you are a woman
philosopher and poet
loved by a blind man
yes on fire for you
woman unattainable
loved in my poems
too old or too young
perhaps too white or too black
all but lovers say