Have you ever said that to yourself? After reading a reponse you gave?
[no title]
If I were a person, you had known for years... someone who had witnessed, the authentic you; the tears? I would offer an embrace, face to face without anything else, expect-ed. The most important thing to me, would be, that your personal sorrow... was eased. When another person, has been stripped bare, from an ultimate, magical love-affair... different feelings, invoke the same despair. Many obstacles still appear, but their names, are dif-fer-rent. You're lonesome for a beginning, when I've been left, at the end... You are ready to jump-right-in, do the work- get back up again... I have dusted off, enough, there's nothing left, but holes. It's enough for me, to chat with someone else- after the, "death-do-us-part" - I don't think "we" could go beyond. But I am willing to walk next to you, share my own, destina-tion... It's all okay to make a friend, without- "falling-in-love"
Know what, Kerry? You are just flat-out terrific and dif-fer-ent! Excellent. Are you published?
If not, you should be.