I’m always in a state of wonder about what drives people, real and fictional. Why do they do what they do, often against their better judgment? Speculating on motivation is what gives me the juice to write. I find the possibilities of short-form writing of all kinds infinitely interesting.
My latest obsession is the ten-minute play. What an exciting medium to work in. Its challenges sometimes drive me nuts, but I’m okay with that.
Here’s a list of my books to date:
● A Run on Hose, a short story collection
● Key in Lock, another short story collection
● The River Throws a Tantrum, a children’s picture chapbook, illustrated by Sarah-Joy Goode
● Shy, an anthology of essays and poetry, edited by Naomi K. Lewis and me
● At This Juncture, a collection of fictional letters
● Waiting, an anthology of essays, edited by Julie Sedivy and me
My short stories, essays, flash fiction, and ten-minute plays have appeared in magazines and
journals in print and online. I’m not sure what the difference is between a journal and a
magazine. Maybe it’s a napkin/serviette thing, a distinction between indistinguishably.
In recent years my plays have found audiences in festivals and staged readings in the United
States and Canada. One of my plays, “A Memoir of Jackson,” can be purchased for production
through the ArtAge catalog. My thanks to the ArtAge Senior Theater Resource Center for
making my play available internationally.
My other passion is editing. I have worked both in-house and freelance. For years I have edited
short stories, essays, novels, creative non-fiction books, academic and professional articles, and
corporate documents. For some years I curtailed my editing practice to concentrate on writing.
But I enjoy writing and editing in equal measure and am now happily taking on more editing
contracts again.
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